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Hey Michel plenty heavy reading and lots of info now here is something i will add 15 Years after Israel became a state they invented the word sayanim{helper, assistans] singular Sayan,are Jews located in the diaspora who assist Mossad agents in their oparations .One can appreciate the word's significance when one realizes that those to whom the term describes largely adhere to the world view of Chaim Weizman who headed the world Zionist movement through both world wars and became Israel's first president."There are no English ,French, German or American Jews"opined Weizman "but only Jews living in England,Frace,Germany or America"Weizman's declarations was and remains the very foundations of Zionism.While the sayanim has assisted and continue to assist Mossad in intelligence operations ,inscluding assassination ,as the cia infamously become known for during the cold war,it can be assumed that providing disinformation to the public of a target nation about Israel would come within Mossad's purview.In hebrew, that term is- hasbara-,which literally means exsplaining Israel to the world,and like sayanim, it has no foreign counterpoint. We have been taking over by one cult and divided in multi level other slaving cult's.Zombies who are stupid to the core. wishing you well klaus

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